September 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 11th September 2018

Present: Cllrs J. Connolly (Chairman), A. O'Reilly, K. Smith, P. Dales, E. Bates, A. Clark, P. Smith. In attendance: Cllr A. Turner & H. Pitman (Clerk).

18/58 Apologies for absence: None.

18/59 To receive declarations of interest: None.

18/60 Minutes of the meeting held on 10th July were accepted as a true record.

18/61 Information from other bodies: Police report circulated. The chairman advised that at the recent Village Hall committee meeting it had been noted that some remedial work needs doing on the play area but it was agreed to wait until the safety report is received before this is undertaken.

18/62 Clerk’s Report: The clerk confirmed that the report was due in August and should be received soon. If it is not she will make contact with the inspectors. She also confirmed that the replacement cradle swing is on order. The information received from Cllr Davies regarding parish councils' taking over responsibility for street lighting would seem a long way off.

18/63 Finance:

The council approved the following payments: Glendale £175.20 & £102.80; S. Barrett

£21.00; H. Pitman £88; Sutcliffe Play £158; TE Hinds £20. The clerk confirmed that

LCC's contribution towards the grass cutting has been claimed ie £363.66.

18/64 Planning: Council had no objections/comments re application number 138257.

Update given on business on Church Way.

18/65 Correspondence:

Letters from Village Hall & Recreation Ground Committee: Big Lottery legal charge:

Document to be filed with deeds held; Notice & agenda for AGM on 8th October: Cllrs Dales and Connolly willing to remain on the committee as parish council representatives;

Maintenance of new fencing and gates: the committee are not willing to amend the agreement that was made in 2015. Council agreed to ask if they would share the cost of maintaining the boundaries given that no fencing was erected when the original agreement was made.

18/66 To further discuss safety measures on the village roads: The clerk gave council an update on the A46: LRSP has agreed to undertake a traffic survey. Correspondence has also been received from a resident regarding speed on Moortown Road and particularly crossing by the school. The resident has collected a petition and written to both LCC Highways and Edward Leigh asking for measures to be implemented to make roads safer in the village and requested the parish council write letters of support for her campaign. Council noted that the School Safety Zone has been extended and a crossing facility has been marked to encourage children to cross in one particular area. Council agreed that in the present economic climate this was probably all Highways would be prepared to do but asked the clerk to send letters of support as requested.

Meeting closed at 8.10pm