Minutes of the meeting held on
Tuesday 7th May 2019
Present: J. Connolly (Chairman); P. Dales; A. O’Reilly; K. Smith; H. Pitman; A. Clark; A. O'Reilly; P. Smith
Apologies: E. Bates.
Minutes of the Meeting held 16th May 2018
Signed as a true record.
Chairman’s Report
The last year has been a busy one for the parish council. We continue to maintain the playing field and the highway verges and public footpaths. Nettleton's precept has remained at £12,000 for the last six years and has been kept at this level for the coming year.
The parish council has worked with other parishes along the A46 to press for a speed reduction and Nettleton is pleased to report that Lincs Road Safety Partnership has agreed to reduce the limit in the centre of the village to 40mph. The Speed Indicating Device (SID) having done its job in proving that safety measures were needed the equipment has now been sold to Bigby Parish Council as new reactive flashing signs are to be installed as part of the scheme. Speed enforcement has been conducted along Moortown Road, particularly around the school.
Several improvements are to be made in the next few weeks at the playing field. A new swing set and repairs to the cradle swing and activity trail are to be undertaken and a commemorative plaque is to be sited by the tree which was planted last year in memory of the late councillor Dave Doyle.
Despite the council lobbying Lincolnshire County Council it has refused to turn on the lights on the A46 between Nettleton and Caistor ignoring the safety concerns raised.
In November, the parish council once again purchased a poppy wreath and this was laid on Remembrance Day at the Memorial Cottage on Moortown Road by the chairman. Ashleigh Clark also attended representing the forces.
The quarterly village newsletter continues to be produced by Steve Barratt on a voluntary basis and council would like to thank him for this. Also for the able assistance of the clerk.
Financial Report
The clerk gave a report on the financial situation as at 31 March 2019. Reserves carried forward to this year are £48144.75 which includes earmarked reserves for a new burial ground should land become available in the village.
Open Meeting
Mrs O'Reilly raised concerns about the noise made by the two ill fitting drain covers near the Salutation Inn. The clerk will report to highways
There being no further questions or comments, the meeting closed at 7.34 pm