January 2019 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 8th January 2019

Present: Cllrs J. Connolly (Chairman), A. O'Reilly, E. Bates, K. Smith, P. Smith. In attendance: H. Pitman (Clerk).

18/79 Apologies for absence: P. Dales, A. Clark.

18/80 To receive declarations of interest: None.

18/81 Minutes of the meeting held on 6th November were accepted as a true record.

18/81 Information from other bodies: Police report circulated. No information from Cllrs Regis and Turner but the clerk is in contact and any matters arising will be passed on.

18/82 Clerk’s Report: Nothing to report.

18/83 Finance:

The council approved the following payments: SR Thompson £160; H Pitman £87.10;

Play Inspection Co £102; Cumbria Clock Co Ltd £132. The Precept upon the Charging

Authority form was duly signed for submission to West Lindsey.

18/84 Planning: None.

18/85 Correspondence: WLDC Community Infrastructure Levy; Clerks & Councils Direct.

18/86 To receive report on the parish meeting with Lincs Road Safety Partnership and to discuss & resolve whether to sell the Speed Indicating Device (SID) to Bigby Parish Council: The clerk had previously circulated the report but council was reminded of the salient points relevant to Nettleton. LRSP is in favour of reducing the limit in the centre of the village to 40mph and that a static flashing speed sign be installed. Councillors felt two signs may be more appropriate and this will be discussed further at the next meeting in the spring. The chairman stated that the SID owned by the parish has proved its worth in getting the speed reduction and felt it would be beneficial to Bigby. Councillors agreed to sell and instructed the clerk to enter into negotiations with Bigby Parish Council.

Proposed, Cllr K Smith. Seconded, Cllr Bates.

18/87 To resolve on parish contribution towards floodlighting of the church over the Christmas period: Resolved to pay £50.

18/88 To discuss & resolve on repairs to play equipment: The clerk confirmed that Mr Gilliatt will deal with the algae and weeds/vegetation around equipment and surfacing. Council resolved to order one new cradle seat and the clerk is to pursue quotes for a new junior swing set.

18/89 To resolve on request for funding from Citizens Advice: Council agreed to decline the request and to discuss a donation to an alternative charity at the next meeting . agenda

18/90 To resolve on clerk's pay for 2019/20 following national pay award: Resolved to increase in line with national agreed scale. To review clock winder's remuneration at next meeting. agenda

Meeting closed at 8.05pm.

Date of next meeting: 5th March 2019