January 2020 Agenda

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Nettleton Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 7th January 2020 commencing at 7.30pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street, Nettleton. The business to be dealt with is listed in the agenda.

There will be a 5 minute public forum before the start of the meeting, when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council and your attendance is also requested during this period.

Yours sincerely

Helen Pitman, Clerk to Nettleton Parish Council 31st December 2019



1, Apologies for absence

2. To receive declarations of interest

3. Information from other bodies

4. Minutes of meeting held 5th November 2019

5. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding

6. Finance: Accounts for payment

7. Planning

8. Update on Village Hall request for parish council to take back responsibility for the playing field.

9. To discuss speeding and inconsiderate parking on Church Street

10. To discuss & resolve funding for a war memorial plaque in the parish church