January 2020 Minutes

Nettleton Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 7th January 2020

Present: Cllrs J. Connolly, P. Smith, A. O’Reilly, A. Clark. In attendance: H. Pitman, Clerk

20/1 Apologies for absence: Cllrs P. Dales, E. Bates & K. Smith.

20/2 To receive declarations of interest: None

20/3 Information from other bodies: Cllr Regis reminded council about the Councillor Initiative Fund grant monies available but council has no project in mind at present. Discussion took place regarding several highways issues and the lack of officer presence in parishes under the new regime at LCC. Cllr Regis agreed to arrange a meeting between the council and an LCC officer to discuss the issues.

20/4 Minutes of the last meeting: These were signed and accepted as a true record.

20/5 Clerk’s Report: The clerk gave the latest information from LRSP regarding the reduced speed limit on the A46 and council confirmed its willingness to proceed on that basis, with the projected cost of a solar powered reactive sign c£2000.

Council has renewed the Parish Agreement with LCC for 2020 to cut the highway grass.

20/6 Finance: To approve accounts: Grimsby Institute £24.80; P. Smith £50; SR Thompson £130. The clerk confirmed she has passed invoice for the village hall moles to the secretary.

20/7 Planning: None.

20/8 Update on village hall request for parish council to take back responsibility for the playing field: The chairman advised that the reason given by the Village Hall committee for Nettleton Parish Council to take back control of the playing field has been rejected by the Charity Commission as invalid.

20/9 To discuss whether to purchase a hand held speed gun for the parish: The clerk confirmed there has been no expression of interest from residents to train as volunteers so council agreed the matter is not to be pursued.

20/10 To discuss & resolve on funding for a war memorial plaque in the parish church: The chairman confirmed this is to replace the existing stone memorial plaque in the church. As it is part of the fabric of the building the clerk advised that under legislation a parish council cannot fund anything relating to church property. However, a parish council does have legal powers to fund a parish war memorial. The parish council is happy to support the idea but cannot give financial support.

20/11 To discuss inconsiderate parking and speeding on Church Street:

Despite council's efforts to resolve this issue it is still a problem. Matter to be raised again with LCC Highways at the planned meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.15pm.

Agenda items: Update on highways matters; Land for new cemetery/ashes plots

Date of next meeting: 3rd March 2020