Minutes of the meeting held on
Tuesday 11th May 2021
Present: J. Connolly (Chairman); A. O’Reilly; K. Smith; P. Smith; J. Grainger
Apologies: E. Bates, A. Clark.
Minutes of the Meeting held May 2019
Signed as a true record.
Chairman’s Report
The last year has been exceptional, with the COVID pandemic.
We said goodbye to our long-standing clerk Helen Pitman, to whom we are very grateful for all she has done.
We welcomed our new clerk, Jackie Grainger.
We welcome the ongoing work in relation to the speed reductions, A46, and our thanks go to all involved, including the late Cllr. Strange.
Lincolnshire County Council has reinstated the lights on the A46 between Nettleton and Caistor.
Litter picking has continued, special thanks to Cllr. O’Reilly.
We look forward to getting back to normal in the forthcoming year.
Financial Report
The clerk gave a report on the financial situation as at 31 March 2021. Reserves carried forward to this year are £57,882.60 which includes earmarked reserves for a new burial ground should land become available in the village.
There being no further questions or comments, the meeting closed at 7.45 pm