Minutes of the meeting held at Nettleton Village Hall
On Tuesday 10th May 2022
Present: K. Smith A. , J. Connolly, A. O’Reilly; P. Smith; A. Clark, E. Bates, LCC – Cllr. T. Smith,
J. Grainger, 2 Residents (1 left early).
A1.22 Minutes of the Meeting held 11 May 2021
Signed as a true record.
A2.22 Chairman’s Report
Finally, life is almost back to normal, thankfully we have all made it through the COVID outbreak.
The speed reduction to 40mph through the village has been implemented and we are just waiting for the speed indication device to be fitted.
We are almost there with the transfer of the recreation ground to the Parish Council, just waiting for the Charity Commission to complete their part.
Councillor Tom Smith is proving to be a great help and has completed his first village walk round to better understand the issues we have.
We have made a commitment to upgrade and possibly expand the Playground, with the potential of adding some adult fitness equipment.
We held a litter pick on the 30th April and we had two volunteers from the village, thanks to them.
A3.22 Financial Report
The clerk gave a report on the financial situation as at 31 March 2022. Reserves carried forward to this year are £61893 which includes earmarked reserves for a new burial ground should land become available in the village, and those for play area expansion scheme.
A4.22 Open Meeting
One resident attended, reporting on the blocked culvert, at the junction of Moortown Rd and A46, (already reported to LCC – awaiting contractor approval and allocation). The resident asked if it was necessary to pay for advertising in the Parish Newsletter (quarterly), which the clerk reported was not, and welcomed all content applications, which would benefit residents. The resident also highlighted ongoing speeding issues along the A46, which draws some of the worst driving habits, from non-local drivers, who often get frustrated with the speed reduction measure that are in place. Ongoing work is being addressed for our resident’s safety.
There being no further questions or comments, the meeting closed at 8.00 pm