Nettleton Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 14 May at 7.15pm
Nettleton Village Hall, Moortown Road, Nettleton, LN7 6AA
John Connolly (Chair of Nettleton Parish Council)
Four members of the public
In the Clerk’s absence, notes were taken by the Chair and minutes prepared by the clerk afterwards.
1. To adopt the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 16th May 2023
RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted.
2. To receive a Chair’s report of Parish Council activity during 2023-24
NOTED: Councillor Connolly provided a brief report that included:
The council has moved further towards claiming back control of the recreation ground.
The council has agreed to continue a maintenance agreement for the defibrillator.
The council has moved to online banking with Unity Trust, which facilitates speedier payment of invoices and enhanced security. Thanks to the Clerk of the Council for progressing this.
3. Open Session
All residents and local organisations are welcome to speak on matters of interest to the Parish.
No other matters were raised.
The meeting closed at 7.30pm.