

Nettleton & Moortown WI

Nettleton & Moortown WI continues to meet in the Methodist  Church  School  Room on the second Thursday in the month at 7.30 pm.

All our meetings include information about other WI events happening around our area and at national level, updates on the campaigns for which the WI is renowned, an optional raffle and, of course, a cup of tea or coffee !

If you would like further details then give Secretary Midge Thomas a ring on 01652 678365


The Nettleton & District Gardening Club

Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month in the Methodist Chapel.
New members are welcome at all meetings.
Forthcoming meetings:-


Nettleton Sewing Group

The Nettleton Sewing Group meet at the Village Hall on the 4th Thursday of the month between 9am to 12noon cost £3-50 for the morning. 
Why not join us for a coffee and bring your sewing or knitting.  Our next meetings are the September 27th, October 25th, November 22nd. No meeting in December.
For any further information contact Chris Bower 01472 851612.