July 2024 Agenda
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Nettleton Parish Council, which will be held in Nettleton Village Hall, Moortown Road, Nettleton, LN7 6AA on Tuesday 16 July, commencing at 7.00pm
In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, members of the public and press may attend the meeting. Members of the public wishing to speak during the Open Forum are asked to contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if possible.
Yours sincerely,
T Shaw
Tony Shaw
Clerk to Nettleton Parish Council
9 July 2024
1. Declarations of Interest
a) To record declarations of interest in any of the agenda items listed below.
b) To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.
2. Apologies
3. Adoption of Previous Minutes from Tuesday 4 June 2024
4. Open Forum
5. District/County Councillor Reports
6. Clerk’s Report
a) To note an increase in Lincolnshire County Council’s contribution towards grass cutting, rising from £922.97 to £1,973.86 for 2024/25. This follows a review of the price paid per square metre.
b) To note ownership of the Church Clock.
c) To receive an update on the Recreation Ground.
7. Finance
a) To receive a list of income received.
b) To receive a bank reconciliation to the end of June.
c) To ratify any payments made since the last meeting.
d) To approve a Schedule of Payments.
e) To note receipt of a VAT Refund of £1,023.31 for the year 2023-24.
8. To adopt a Scheme of Delegation policy
9. Grass Cutting
To consider a request from Lincolnshire County Council to cut an additional 95 m2 of grass, for which they will pay the council for an additional 2,295 m2.
10. Speed Limit on Moortown Road
To receive correspondence that requests a lowering of the speed limit.
11. Training
To approve Clerk’s attendance at Play Park Inspection training on 12 Sep 2024 at a cost of £72.50.