September 2024 Minutes
Nettleton Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 17 September at 7.00pm
Nettleton Village Hall, Moortown Road, Nettleton, LN7 6AA
Clerk Tony Shaw
Councillors John Connolly (Chair), Debra Langmaid, and Ashleigh Clark
District & County Councillor Tom Smith
Public One member of the public
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillors Anne O’ Reilly and Malcolm Dawson.
RESOLVED: Reasons for absence were accepted.
2. Declarations of Interest
a) To record declarations of interest in any of the agenda items listed below.
b) To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.
3. Adoption of Previous Minutes from Tuesday 16 July 2024
RESOLVED: The minutes were approved.
4. Open Forum
A member of the public attended and declared their interest in taking over as editor of the parish council newsletter, having had previous experience of producing community information.
RESOLVED: Council approved the appointment of Mrs Lauret Bottrill as newletter editor.
Council also noted their thanks to Steve Barrett for all his work as the departing editor.
A member of the public raised a suggestion that the council purchase two plastic goals for the Play Park. This suggestion was proposed and seconded for consideration.
RESOLVED: Council approved the purchase of two plastic goals at a maximum cost of £300 including VAT.
A member of the public asked whether the council would purchase large plastic poppies, to decorate lamp posts with, as part of Remembrance Day activities. This suggestion was proposed and seconded for consideration.
RESOLVED: Council approved the purchase of 20 large poppies at a maximum cost of £100 including VAT.
5. District/County Councillor Reports
a) Update on a request to reduce the speed limit on the A46 towards Holton-le-Moor.
Councillor Smith has looked into this matter and it is highly unlikely that a reduction in the speed limit would be approved because insuffient KSI (Killed or Seriously Injured) data exists.
Councillor Smith also explained that Highways are investigating traffic calming measures at Nettleton gap (on Moortown Road), where several incidents of vehicles leaving the road have occurred.
6. Clerk’s Report
a) Update on Play Park Safety training
The Clerk has attended Play Park Safety training through LALC. The council need to undertake regular visual checks of the Play Park to manage the risk of serious injury.
RESOLVED: The Clerk will carry out monthly checks of the Play Park, to commence as soon as possible.
7. Finance
a) To receive a list of income received.
No income received since the last meeting on 16 July.
b) To ratify any payments made since the last meeting (under a Scheme of Delegation).
The following payments were made by the Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair.
Bank Date |
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
01/08/24 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary (Jul) |
323.92 |
323.92 |
01/08/24 |
Antony Shaw |
Expenses (Jul) |
26.00 |
26.00 |
03/09/24 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary (Aug) |
323.92 |
323.92 |
03/09/24 |
Antony Shaw |
Expenses (Aug) |
26.00 |
26.00 |
c) To approve a Schedule of Payments.
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
AJ Williams |
Grass Cutting (Jul) |
510.00 |
102.00 |
612.00 |
AJ Williams |
Grass Cutting (Aug) |
510.00 |
102.00 |
612.00 |
TEC Partnership |
Summer Newsletter |
24.50 |
24.50 |
d) To receive a bank reconciliation to the end of June.
A bank reconciliation was presented which showed the council’s balances as:
Bank Balances on 31 Aug |
Current Account |
13,020.63 |
Reserves Account |
40,654.25 |
Total |
53,674.88 |
8. To consider the following Planning application:
Planning Ref: WL/2024/00695
Proposal: Planning application to remove existing conservatory and garage and erect single storey extensions to front and side of bungalow.
RESOLVED: No objection
9. To approve the draft Newsletter
RESOLVED: The draft newsletter was approved.
10. To consider an offer of salt/grit from Lincolnshire County Council
The county council have offered to fill grit bins (that are below half full) and provide a free tonne bag of salt.
RESOLVED: Clerk to check grit bin levels and inform the county council if top-up is required.
11. To consider commissioning of the Defibrillator at the Salutation Inn
It was noted that the defibrillator on the exterior of the Village Hall is owned by the council and maintained by West Lindsey District Council (WLDC) under an annual scheme. This defibrillator is registered on “The Circuit” for use in an emergency.
A second defibrillator exists on the side of the Salutation Inn. This was donated to the village by “Horncastle Lives” but is not being currently maintained or registered on “The Circuit”.
RESOLVED: Council agreed to add the defibrillator at the Salutation Inn to WLDC’s maintenance program.
12. To note date of the next meeting as Tuesday 12 November