January 2025 Minutes
Nettleton Parish Council Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 14 January 2025 at 7.00pm in Nettleton Village Hall, Moortown Road, Nettleton, LN7 6AA Clerk: Tony Shaw Councillors: Connolly (Chair), O’ Reilly, Langmaid, Dawson, Bottrill (after item 6) Attending: One member of the public |
1. |
Apologies Apologies received from Cllr Clark. It was resolved to accept the reason for absence. |
2. |
To record declarations of interest in any of the agenda items listed below None |
3. |
To adopt the minutes of the ordinary meeting on Tuesday 17 September 2024 It was resolved to adopt the minutes and they were signed by the Chair. |
4. |
Open forum A member of the public expressed interest in joining the council and received advice on the process of application and the rules of eligibility. |
5. |
To receive updates from District and/or County Councillors Councillor Tom Smith sent apologies before the meeting. |
6. |
To consider an application for co-option from Lauret Bottrill It was resolved to co-opt Lauret Bottrill and a Declaration of Office was signed. |
7. |
Clerk’s report |
7.1 |
Update on the defibrillator at the Salutation Inn A loan defibrillator has been provided by WLDC whilst the council’s new one is on order. |
7.2 |
Update on Play Park inspections in December and January The inspection in December identified a missing bolt on a safety chain for the dual flat swings. This has been replaced. The January inspection did not identify any issues. |
7.3 |
Update on the order for Monkey Bars The Monkey Bars are due to be installed by Play Days in the week commencing 13 January 2025. |
7.4 |
Update on the council’s website The website has been updated to remove redundant information and improve its layout. |
8. |
Finance |
8.1 |
To ratify any payments made since the last meeting It was resolved to ratify all payments in Appendix 1. |
8.2 |
To approve a schedule of payments It was resolved to approve all payments in Appendix 2. |
8.3 |
To receive and approve a bank reconciliation It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation which showed the balance of the council’s accounts on 31 December 2024 to be £49,735.69 |
8.4 |
To agree the budget and precept for 2025-26 It was resolved to approve the budget for 2025-26 and set a precept of £14,000. |
8.5 |
To review the Asset Register This was deferred to the March meeting. |
9. |
To review the Annual Play Park Inspection report and agree any actions The only high-risk issue identified was a missing safety chain bolt on the Flat Swings. This has been replaced. Most low-risk issues related to algae on surfaces or wooden timber that shows sign of minor deterioration. The council will review all low-risk issues during the spring-summer season. |
10. |
To discuss and approve new arrangements for weekly winding of the Church clock It was resolved to permit Paul Smith to take over the winding of the Church Clock and to increase the amount paid from £150 per year to £300. |
11. |
To consider making a donation towards the cost of Church floodlighting at Christmas It was resolved to make a donation of £50 to Nettleton PCC. |
12. |
To receive any agenda items for the next meeting on Tuesday 11 March 2025 Council discussed a potential project to install a path in the playing field to improve accessibility. This will be added to the agenda for March. |
To resolve to move into a Closed Session to discuss the agenda item below due to confidentiality It was resolved to move into a Closed Session. |
13. |
Clerk’s Contract and Appraisal It was resolved to approve the Clerk’s contract and also resolved that an annual appraisal should take place in March with the Chair and Vice-chair of the Council. |
Appendix 1: Payments made since the previous meeting |
Paid |
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
31/10/24 |
Unity Trust Bank |
Service Charge (Oct) |
5.40 |
5.40 |
05/11/24 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary (Oct) |
323.92 |
323.92 |
05/11/24 |
Antony Shaw |
WFH Allowance (Oct) |
26.00 |
26.00 |
30/11/24 |
Unity Trust Bank |
Service Charge (Nov) |
6.00 |
6.00 |
02/12/24 |
TEC Partnership |
Autumn Newsletter |
24.50 |
24.50 |
02/12/24 |
Royal British Legion |
20 Large Poppies |
70.83 |
14.17 |
85.00 |
02/12/24 |
AJ Williams |
Grass Cutting (Oct) |
255.00 |
51.00 |
306.00 |
02/12/24 |
AJ Williams |
Grass Cutting (Sep) |
255.00 |
51.00 |
306.00 |
02/12/24 |
Antony Shaw |
Mileage Claim (Sep to Nov) |
29.70 |
29.70 |
02/12/24 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary, Overtime & Backpay (Nov) |
466.39 |
466.39 |
02/12/24 |
Antony Shaw |
WFH Allowance (Nov) |
26.00 |
26.00 |
18/12/24 |
Play Days |
50% Deposit for Monkey Bars |
1,975.00 |
395.00 |
2,370.00 |
20/12/24 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary (Dec) |
337.57 |
337.57 |
20/12/24 |
Antony Shaw |
WFH Allowance (Dec) |
26.00 |
26.00 |
31/12/24 |
Unity Trust Bank |
Service Charge (Dec) |
6.00 |
6.00 |
Appendix 2: Payments approved |
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
Antony Shaw |
Play Park Inspections Mileage (Dec & Jan) |
29.16 |
29.16 |
Membership for 2025-26 |
251.90 |
251.90 |
Play Inspection Company |
Annual Play Park Inspection |
101.00 |
20.20 |
121.20 |
Geoff Bottrill |
Winter Newsletter |
182.65 |
182.65 |
Church |
Church Floodlighting at Christmas |
50.00 |
50.00 |