St John the Baptist Church

St john the baptist church


The church of St John the Baptist was rebuilt in 1874 and consist of a nave, chancel, south porch and a tower. There are three bells in the tower which is of an early date and has a doorway that is said to be late Saxon. The tower is suffering from extreme weathering of the ironstone used in its construction. The church clock was made by the son of James Harrison of Barton upon Humber in 1837. James' famous brother John made marine chronometers as described in the book 'Longitude'. It was given to the Parish of Nettleton by Sir Culling-Eardly so the Parish Council is responsible for its upkeep. There are three bells in the tower dated 1480, 1617 and 1672, unfortunately they are not in a ringable condition. Recently extensive work was carried out by the Parochial Church Council to improve the safety of access to the top of the tower. The parish register dates from 1679 and the list of 220 rectors goes back to 1257. There is no vicar at present but services will continue to be held.

Services: For all general Services please consult the small notice board outside the Church.

Church News
We held our Nettleton Open Gardens afternoon in June and this was a great success.  An amazing number of people supported the event, both around the gardens and in Church for refreshments.  A substantial amount was raised for Nettleton Church Fabric Fund and we would like to say a big thank you to all who opened their gardens and everyone who worked so hard to make it such a great occasion.

On Sunday 5th August, we held our usual quarterly Joint Service with Nettleton Methodist Church.  Jan Healy led the Service, Dr. Don Owen was the Preacher and Jean Childs played the organ.  It was good to share the Service with our friends from the Methodist Church.

Services for September are as follows:-
1st Sunday in the month,  6.00pm Evensong.
2nd Sunday in the month,  10.30am Holy Communion.
3rd Sunday in the month,  10.30am Family Service.
4th Sunday in the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.

The general pattern for our Services is as follows:-
1st Sunday in the month, 6.00pm Evensong.
2nd Sunday in the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.
3rd Sunday in the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.
4th Sunday in the month, l0.30am Morning Prayer.

Once a quarter the 4th Sunday will be a Family Service.

Looking ahead, Our Harvest Festival Service will be held on Sunday, 6th October at 6.00pm. After the Service everyone is invited to join us for a glass of wine and light refreshments.

Our Harvest Supper will be held at Nettleton Village Hall on Friday, l1th October - 7pm for 7.30pm. Afterwards Brian Dawson will entertain us with some Lincolnshire Folk Songs. Please look out for more details later.


The Friends of St. Johns Church

The ‘Friends’ was set up several years ago by a group of concerned villagers who did not want to see any further deterioration in the church building.  The members of the group are not necessarily churchgoers, although many of them are, but are people who think the existence of a church fundamental to the heart of a living and working village.

The ‘Friends’ committee raises money every year by means of a draw to which villagers contribute £15 a year, with four prizes totalling £50 drawn monthly. 

The profit from the draw helps to pay for improvements and repairs to the fabric of the church.

Donations can also be accepted, including those who would prefer not to take part in the monthly draw.

The draws are usually held at the Salutation Inn at 7pm on the last Wednesday of the month, and participants are always welcome to come along and see if they’ve won!  The AGM is held at the January meeting.

If you would like to join or need more information please contact:  Michael Steed at 2 Edlington House, Church Street (next door to the Salutiation Inn).


Grocery Bingo

Come and join our friendly Grocery Bingo at Nettleton Village Hall, on the first Monday of the month.  Prizes for all plus Jackpot and much, much more.  Tea/Coffee and biscuits at half time.  Next session Monday 3rd September.  Doors open 7.00pm, eyes down 7.30pm and finish 9.00pm. In aid of the Joint Churches. 
For further information contact Joyce Smith 01472 851712.