July 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on
Tuesday 7th July 2020

Present: Cllrs J. Connolly, P. Dales, A. O’Reilly, A. Clark, E. Bates & K. Smith. In attendance: H. Pitman, Clerk

20/23 Apologies for absence: Cllrs P. Smith & A. Clark. Accepted.

20/24 To receive declarations of interest: None

20/25 Information from other bodies: Police report circulated prior to meeting.

20/26 Minutes of the last meeting: These were signed and accepted as a true record.

20/27 Clerk’s Report: Update from LRSP on A46 speed reduction: progressing slowly. The Village Hall committee have forwarded information from the Charity Commission regarding splitting the playing field from the hall and creating two separate charities. To be discussed at a face to face meeting when social distancing guidance allows.

20/28 Finance: To approve accounts: H Pitman £53.95, Glendale £417.56, Cassells £72, SR Thompson £140.
Annual Return for year ended 31st March 2020
a) Execute Annual Governance Statement: Executed.
b) To approve Statement of Accounts: Approved.
c) Execute Certificate of Exemption: Executed.
d) Execute Review of effectiveness of internal audit: Executed. 

20/29 Planning: 141258: Lilac Bungalow, Mansgate Hill; 141194/95 Coach House, Nettleton House, Nettleton Road, Caistor; 39A Nettleton Road, Caistor: No objections/comments.    
20/30 To approve naming of Lapstone Close for five new houses off Cooks Lane: The parish council consider this to be an appropriate name and approval was given. 

20/31 To resolve on funding requests from LIVES, Marie Curie and British Red Cross: Council felt funding at this time was more appropriate to deserving cases in the village and resolved to award £500 to the village shop which has greatly benefited parishioners during the Covid-19 epidemic.  

20/32 To discuss & resolve on relinquishing the lease on the Ramblers car park as requested by LCC: Resolved to relinquish. 

20/33 To discuss resumption of the parish newsletter: Agreed that this should not recommence until social distancing restrictions are lifted.
Staffing matters: Council resolved to appoint Jackie Grainger as the new clerk. The services of Helen Pitman to be retained for advice on outstanding matters relating to the playing field.

The meeting closed at 7.54pm. 

Signed        ……………………………………..        Dated         ………………………..