May 2023 Minutes
Chair: Cllr Connolly
Present: Cllr Clark, Cllr Langmaid, Cllr O’Reilly
Clerk: Tony Shaw
No members of the public attended the meeting.
1. To elect a Chairman for the year 2023/24
RESOLVED: Cllr Connolly elected as Chairman.
2. Chairman to sign a Declaration of Office, or Council to resolve this can be done at a later time
Cllr Connolly signed a Declaration of Office as Chairman. Witnessed and signed by the Clerk.
3. To elect a Vice-chairman for the year 2023/24
RESOLVED: Cllr O’Reilly elected as Vice-chairman.
4. To receive Councillors’ Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
No declarations made.
5. To receive any apologies sent to the Clerk from Members not able to attend the meeting
6. To adopt minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14th March 2023
RESOLVED: Minutes adopted and signed by the Chairman.
7. Finance
a) To receive a Financial Summary from the Clerk
Clerk has yet to receive bank statements for March 2023. Provisional end of year figures are:
2022/23 Income = £15,274.14
2022/23 Expenditure = £32,555.28
2022/23 End of year bank balance = £39,640.13
b) To approve a schedule of payments for invoices received since the last meeting
RESOLVED: All payments in the table below were approved.
Invoice |
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
28/03/23 |
CJS Sales Ltd |
Microsoft Office Professional 2021 |
39.99 |
39.99 |
29/03/23 |
A J Williams |
Grass cutting 29th March 2023 |
240.00 |
48.00 |
288.00 |
29/03/23 |
Morgan's Direct Ltd |
Box files |
41.66 |
8.33 |
49.99 |
30/03/23 |
Pukka Pads Ltd |
Lever arch files |
14.28 |
2.86 |
17.14 |
10/04/23 |
ICO Registration for 2023-24 |
40.00 |
40.00 |
12/04/23 |
TEC Partnership |
Spring newsletter |
26.20 |
26.20 |
19/04/23 |
Amazon Europe |
Ink Cartridges |
22.33 |
4.47 |
26.80 |
28/04/23 |
PAYE payment for 2022-23 Month 10 |
4.17 |
4.17 |
28/04/23 |
PAYE payment for 2022-23 Month 11 |
4.20 |
4.20 |
28/04/23 |
PAYE payment for 2022-23 Month 12 |
25.84 |
25.84 |
30/04/23 |
A J Williams |
Grass cutting 12th and 25th April 2023 |
480.00 |
96.00 |
576.00 |
30/04/23 |
Antony Shaw |
Expenses for Mar and Apr |
63.26 |
63.26 |
30/04/23 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary for Mar and Apr, inc. overtime |
588.89 |
588.89 |
c) To agree signatories for the signing of cheques
RESOLVED: Cllr Connolly and Cllr O’Reilly to continue as signatories.
d) To consider a move to Unity Trust Online Banking
Clerk proposed a move to Unity Trust Bank, which provide a highly praised online banking service for a fee of £6 per month.
RESOLVED: The Parish Council’s banking will move from Natwest to Unity Trust.
8. To execute and approve the 2022-23 Annual Return
a) Receive the Internal Audit Report (page 3)
b) Execute the Annual Governance Statement (page 4)
c) Approve the Accounting Statements (page 5)
All items a) to c) deferred due to the Clerk not having received bank statements for March 2023 and being unable to complete year end accounts.
9. Governance
a) To appoint 2 members to the Personnel Committee
Deferred so Clerk can enquire whether a Personnel Committee is mandatory.
b) To agree meeting dates for the year 2023/24
RESOLVED: The Parish Council will meet bi-monthly on the second Tuesday of the month.
18th Jul 2023, 12th Sep 2023, 14th Nov 2023, 9th Jan 2024, 12th Mar 2024 and 14th May 2024.
c) To review the Asset Register
Asset Register reviewed and a number of redundant items identified for removal.
d) To review Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
RESOLVED: Existing Standing Orders and Financial Regulations to be re-adopted.
Clerk advised of newer versions available from NALC that will be prepared for future adoption.
e) To review arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks
RESOLVED: Insurance cover to be renewed with BHIB on 1 Jun 2023.
f) To agree the adoption of additional policies
Policies covering GDPR, Press/Media and Complaints to be prepared for future adoption.
10. To consider and comment on planning applications received since the last meeting:
a) Application 146609 - Land at Mansgate Hill Nettleton Lincolnshire LN7 6NT
RESOLVED: No objection
11. To agree the renewal of the annual play park inspection
RESOLVED: Annual inspection to be renewed with the Play Inspection Company.
12. Move to a closed session to discuss staffing matters
a) To consider funding of CiLCA qualification
RESOLVED: CiLCA training for the Clerk approved at a cost of £362.50
Meeting closed at 8:30 pm