March 2024 Minutes
Nettleton Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 12th March at 7:30pm
Nettleton Village Hall, Moortown Road, Nettleton, LN7 6AA
Clerk Tony Shaw
Councillors John Connolly (Chair), Anne O’ Reilly (Vice-Chair), Debra Langmaid, Ashleigh Clark and Malcolm Dawson
District Councillor None
Public None
01:03/24 Declarations of Interest:
a) To record declarations of interest by any member in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
b) To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.
There were no declarations relevant to the business on the agenda.
02:03/24 Apologies:
To receive any apologies sent to the Clerk from Members not able to attend the meeting.
No apologies.
03:03/24 Adoption of Previous Minutes:
To adopt the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 10th January 2024.
RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted and signed by the Chair.
04:03/24 Open Forum:
Members of the public can ask questions or make short statements to the council. Open Forum shall not exceed 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair of the Council.
No member of the public spoke.
05:03/24 District/County Councillor Reports:
To receive updates from any attending District or County Councillor.
No district/county councillor in attendance.
06:03/24 Finance:
a) To receive a financial summary from the Clerk.
The Clerk presented a full set of accounts, to the end of February 2024. These showed that the total cash held on 29 February 2024 was £49,728 including any committed expenditure or expected income.
b) To approve a Schedule of Payments for invoices received since the last meeting.
RESOLVED: All items in the table below were approved for payment.
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
Annual membership 2024-25 |
249.24 |
249.24 |
Nettleton Village Hall |
Room hire on 10/01/24 |
15.12 |
15.12 |
TEC Partnership |
Winter newsletter |
24.50 |
24.50 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary for Jan & Feb 24 |
652.04 |
652.04 |
Antony Shaw |
Expenses for Jan & Feb 24 |
52.00 |
52.00 |
6.41 |
6.41 |
Cumbria Clock Company |
Church clock servicing |
170.00 |
34.00 |
204.00 |
Amazon |
Ink Cartridges |
25.49 |
5.10 |
30.59 |
07:03/24 Planning:
To consider the following planning application(s):
Planning Ref: 147954
Location: Rose Cottage, Wold Farm Normanby Road Nettleton Market Rasen LN7 6TB
Proposal: Planning application for single storey extension to existing bungalow.
RESOLVED: No objection
Planning Ref: 148005
Location: Land rear of, 2, Eardley Cottage, Holton Road, Nettleton, LN7 6AW
Proposal: Planning application to erect 4no. dwellings including new private access drive and associated infrastructure being variation of condition 3 of planning permission 143908 granted 16 December 2021 - changes to house designs being variation of condition 3 of planning application 145271 granted 6 September 2022 - amended house design to plot 4 being variation of condition 3 of planning permission 146110 - amended house design to plot 4
RESOLVED: No objection
08:03/24 Play Park Safety Inspection 2024:
To approve an annual inspection by the Play Inspection Company at a cost of £121.20
RESOLVED: Quote approved.
09:03/24 Cradle Swing:
To consider options for a replacement Cradle Swing.
RESOLVED: A quote for £3,820 + VAT was accepted from Playdays, to provide a replacement swing.
10:03/24 Dog Waste Bin:
To consider options for a replacement dog waste bin.
The lid on the existing waste bin has rusted and presents a sharp edge. Clerk will log on FixMyStreet, to see whether this can be replaced by LCC.
Meeting closed at 8:30pm