November 2023 Minutes

Tony Shaw (Clerk)
Councillor John Connolly (Chair)
Councillor Anne O’ Reilly (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Debra Langmaid
Councillor Ash Clark

County/District Councillor Tom Smith
One member of the public

01:11/23    Declarations of Interest:
a)    To record declarations of interest by any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.  Members should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
b)    To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.
There were no declarations relevant to the business on the agenda.

02:11/23    Apologies:
To receive any apologies sent to the Clerk from Members not able to attend the meeting.

03:11/23    Adoption of Previous Minutes:
To adopt the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 29th August 2023.
RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted and signed by the Chair.

04:11/23    Open Forum:
Members of the public can ask questions or make short statements to the council. Open Forum shall not exceed 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair of the Council.
A member of the public spoke briefly to explain their reason for applying for co-option.

05:11/23    District/County Councillor Reports:
To receive updates from any attending District or County Councillor.
Cllr Tom Smith provided a verbal report. Work by Lincolnshire County Council to address flooding of the drains at the bottom of the Village Hall drive is being planned. An initial investigation will seek to determine whether the drains need clearing or there is an underlying problem elsewhere in the drain system.

06:11/23    Co-option:
To consider an application for co-option from Mr Malcolm Dawson.
RESOLVED: Council voted to co-opt Mr Dawson. A Declaration of Acceptance was signed immediately and witnessed by the Clerk, enabling Mr Dawson to join the meeting as a Councillor.

07:11/23    Finance:
a)    To receive a financial summary from the Clerk.
In the absence of bank statements, due to the move from NatWest to Unity Trust Bank, the Clerk presented a set of financial reports to include all Payments and Receipts for 2023-24.
The total cash held by the council as at 29th August was £46,801 including any outstanding VAT claims.

b)    To approve a Schedule of Payments for invoices received since the last meeting.
RESOLVED: All items in the table below were approved for payment.






Unity Trust Bank

Monthly service charge




Cassells Limited

Internal audit for 2022-23




A J Williams

Grass cutting 1st & 15th August




A J Williams

Grass cutting 5th & 19th Sept




A J Williams

Grass cutting 10th October




TEC Partnership

Autumn newsletter




Royal British Legion

Poppy Wreath





CiLCA Training




John Connolly

NatWest visits x 7 (mileage)




Antony Shaw

Expenses for Sept and October




Antony Shaw

Salary for Sept and October




c)    To discuss the budget proposal for 2024-25.
The Clerk presented a forecast for 2024-25 of:
        Income        = £14,922    (assuming there is no increase to the precept)
        Expenditure    = £17,235

The expenditure includes £5,000 earmarked for legal costs relating to the transfer of the Playing Field from the Village Hall Charity Trust, back to the Parish Council

The draft proposal is to hold the precept at its current level of £13,900. A final decision will be made at the January 2024 meeting of the Council.

d)    To note a contribution of £922.27 from Lincolnshire County Council towards grass cutting.

e)    To sign a letter requesting closure of the council’s accounts with NatWest.
The letter was signed by the Chair and Vice-chair.

08:11/23    Noticeboards:
a)    To agree the sites for installation of new noticeboards.
RESOLVED: As per advice received from LCC, the noticeboards will be sited at:
•    The junction of Draycot and Moortown Road
•    The junction of Church Street, Mansgate Hill and Normanby Road.

b)    To agree to ask Lincolnshire County Council whether the installation could be undertaken as part of their Volunteer Scheme.
RESOLVED: Council agreed to seek a quote for the installation and explore whether LCC’s volunteer scheme could undertake the work.

09:11/23    Playing Field:
To note receipt of further complaints about dog mess on the playing field and consider whether dogs should be excluded.
Council discussed ongoing issues with fouling and encourage the community to report any offenders. At present, the council do not wish to prohibit dog walkers from using the field.

10:11/23    Highways Matters:
a)    To note instruction has been given to the Grass Contractor to trim trees on the A46.

b)    To note a call has been logged with Lincolnshire County Council to clear drains near the Village Hall driveway due to recent flooding.
This issue has been logged on FixMyStreet as reference 472979.

Meeting closed at 8:25pm