August 2023 Minutes
Tony Shaw (Clerk)
Councillor John Connolly (Chair)
Councillor Anne O’ Reilly (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Debra Langmaid
County/District Councillor Tom Smith
Two members of the public
01:08/23 Declarations of Interest:
a) To record declarations of interest by any member in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
b) To note dispensations given to any member in respect of the agenda items listed below.
There were no declarations relevant to the business on the agenda.
02:08/23 Apologies:
To receive any apologies sent to the Clerk from Members not able to attend the meeting.
Apologies received from Cllr Ash Clark and the reason was accepted.
03:08/23 Adoption of Previous Minutes:
To adopt the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18th July 2023.
RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted and signed by the Chair.
04:08/23 Open Forum:
Members of the public can ask questions or make short statements to the council. Open Forum shall not exceed 15 minutes unless directed by the Chair of the Council.
One member of the public expressed interest in joining the parish council. Clerk to send email advising of the process.
05:08/23 District/County Councillor Reports:
To receive updates from any attending District or County Councillor.
Cllr Tom Smith provided a verbal report that included an update on highways work to repair a drain at Normanby Rise.
06:08/23 Finance:
a) To receive a financial summary from the Clerk.
In the absence of bank statements, due to the move from NatWest to Unity Trust Bank, the Clerk presented a set of financial reports to include all Payments and Receipts for 2023-24.
The total cash held by the council as at 29th August was £52,460 including any outstanding VAT claims.
b) To approve a Schedule of Payments for invoices received since the last meeting.
RESOLVED: All items in the table below were approved for payment.
Supplier |
Description |
Net |
Gross |
TEC Partnership |
Summer newsletter |
23.80 |
23.80 |
A J Williams |
Grass cutting 10th July 2023 |
240.00 |
48.00 |
288.00 |
Wilko |
Plastic wallets and A4 dividers |
10.92 |
2.18 |
13.10 |
PKF Littlejohn LLP |
External audit for 2022-23 |
210.00 |
42.00 |
252.00 |
Antony Shaw |
Expenses for July and August |
56.00 |
56.00 |
Antony Shaw |
Salary for July and August |
Withheld - Confidential |
c) To agree the transfer of all Parish Council monies from NatWest to Unity Trust Bank.
RESOLVED: All money held in the council’s NatWest accounts to be transferred to Unity Trust Bank. Cllr Connolly and O’ Reilly signed a letter to NatWest as signatories to the council’s bank accounts.
07:08/23 Planning:
To note that no planning applications have been received since the last meeting.
08:08/23 Trees on A46:
To receive a quote from A J Williams for work to trim low hanging trees on the A46 verge, which are impairing contractors from maintaining the grass.
RESOLVED: Quote from A J Williams accepted at a cost of £1,110 plus VAT.
09:08/23 Highways Matters:
To receive an update from the Clerk on recent issues logged on FixMyStreet.
Council received an update on the following issues:
a) Motorcycles riding between the bollards on Cooks Lane. – LCC advised this is a police matter. District Cllr Smith agreed to have further discussions with LCC Highways about the possibility of replacing the bollards with a fence and kissing gate.
b) Low hanging trees on the A46 verge – LCC did not consider these to be of sufficient priority to commit resources. Council’s resolution on item 08:08/23 will ensure essential remedial work is done to the offending trees.
Meeting closed at 8:20pm